
Prayer Shawl is for anyone who loves to knit or crochet.  They meet September through May and take a break in December and the summer months - meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 1:30 p.m. The recipients of the shawls are individuals and residents of nursing homes, those affected by ill health, etc.; and local agencies: Hospice, VNA, Cancer Care @ Apple Hill, and more.  These prayer shawls, lap robes, and prayer bears are available all the time – and for anyone – if you have a friend or loved one who is going through a hard time and would be encouraged if they received this expression of love, please do not hesitate to make this request. Patty Craig coordinates this group

Zion's Kitchen Angels meet in the church kitchen every other Tuesday to make and deliver home-cooked meals to shut-ins and seniors along with an uplifting dose of scriptural comfort.

Each meal is lovingly prepared and prayed over before it leaves the church. Full meals complete with side dishes and desserts have provided comfort to an ever-expanding number of people. For more information call Cele McCloskey at 717-870-9155.

Do you desire growth in your prayer life? Do you yearn to deepen your worship? Come, lift up your praises with Warrior Worship through personal, corporate, and healing prayer.

This group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. 
For questions, please contact the group’s leader, Chris Kurtz, at: 717-856-4653 or

This group is designed as a couples ministry, but of course, anyone is welcome to join in!  About once a month, CUTE will meet for fellowship and fun, supporting each other in Christian fellowship.  One thing that will make this group unique is that we won’t be planning much in advance.  About a week ahead, you will get an e-mail or text with the plan for the month.  Simply reply and we will see you there.  There is no commitment to come every month or to host.  Just plan to come and be “cute” with us!  To be part of this group, all you need to do is text or e-mail and get on our list!  Please contact Michele Paris at 443-326-8526 to be on the text contact list.  Or e-mail at to receive your notifications by e-mail.  

Craft Club meets to make crafts while enjoying fellowship together. The crafts made are then sold at Fall Fling to benefit the church. This group meets in March - November weekly on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary. Contact Cele for exact dates or more info at 717-870-9155.

55+/- Men and Women meet for lunch, fellowship, and devotions once a month on the first Monday at 11:30 a.m. at Lion’s Pride. Everyone is welcomeeven if you're not quite 55! Please call the church office for more information, or use the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to indicate your attendance. 

We place a special focus on music ministry here at Zion. We believe that everyone can have a part in music and bring praise to the Lord. There are many opportunities to be involved in the music ministry at Zion, from heartily joining in with congregational singing, to joining the choir to participating with the praise team or even presenting special music. Our music ministry is committed to leading God’s people in worship and spreading HIS good news to all through the gift of music. Every note we sing or play is for His glory.

We worship in both traditional and also more casual, more contemporary styles. We want to honor our congregation’s musical heritage and also lead worship that will inspire people to look toward Jesus. Whether we’re singing a traditional hymn or an upbeat, hand-clapping song, we’re singing to praise God.

If you’re a part of our congregational singing or joining any of our church musical groups, you will find the music ministry at Zion to be vibrant, alive, and focused on bringing honor and glory to the Lord!

The purpose of Red Lion Zion's We Care Ministries is to provide an arm of the church by which lay members can practice the earliest tradition - to reveal love by caring for one another and the wider community. Thus, our task is to follow the gospel accounts of Jesus' ministries with our expressions of care. Contact Jane Neff for more information at 717-873-9647.

Sons of the Spirit is a men's Bible study group that meets for fellowship and to embrace authentic biblical manhood. SOS meets on 2nd & 4th Thursdays at the church.

- To demonstrate authentic discipleship by serving and caring for others.

Vision - United by Christ, serving and caring for a thriving, healthy RL Zion and beyond!

Team Judea - Outreach Mission Services In Our Community and Beyond

Team Jerusalem - Church-based Mission Services

Both mission teams welcome new members. If you are interested in joining, please contact the church for information on the next meeting.