"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:10-11 ESV
Team Judea - Outreach Mission Services In Our Community and Beyond
Mission: We are the hands and feet of Jesus commissioned to help a hurting world.
Team Judea supports local agencies like Community Reach, Compassion York, House of Hope, and Servants/ Faith Beyond the Pews. Judea also visits Victorian Villa Retirement Home several times a year for a worship service. Read below for information regarding Team Judea's recent and current efforts.
Current News:
COMMUNITY REACH—We are now collecting items for Community Reach’s Kids Summer Food for Home program. They are in need of individual-sized servings of snacks, granola bars, non-perishable microwave meals (such as mac and cheese, Chef Boyardee, etc), Pop-Tarts, cereal boxes, fruit cups, and drink boxes.
REACHING OUT COMMUNITY MEAL—Zion, in coordination with Bethany UMC and St Paul’s UMC, provides a free hot to-go meal for those in the area who would benefit from it. VOLUNTEERS FROM ZION ARE NEEDED to both work in the kitchen and distribute. The next meal is scheduled for Monday, August 14th from 5:00 p.m.— 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s UMC.
SERVANTS — Servants’ mission is to empower churches and individuals to share God’s love through acts of service. They have served under-resourced individuals and families in their local communities, across the USA, and around the world in Guatemala, India, and Haiti for more than 20 years.
* SERVANTS 15th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT—On Friday, September 8th, 2023 Servants will be hosting their 15th Annual Golf Tournament at Briarwood Golf Club’s East Course. Registration starts at 7:00am, shotgun start at 8:00am. In addition to the 18-hole golf tourney, all players will receive a goodie bag and be eligible for some other great door prizes. Servants will serve breakfast in the morning, along with on-course snacks and drinks. There will be a buffet lunch and awards ceremony following the tournament. They hope you will take this opportunity to join them in their mission to serve Christ, build relationships, transform lives, and provide hope in our local communities, across the USA, and around the world. Visit https://www.servants.org/golf to purchase tickets or see the brochure on the church bulletin board.
* BLESSING BASKETS—In addition to home repairs, Servants provide each household they serve with a blessing basket that includes many household essentials such as cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, paper products, personal care needs, etc. There is an increased need for basket supplies during Work Camp season and you can help by collecting supplies to donate directly to them or a monetary donation by visiting their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ServantsInc/
CONNECTION UBANTU - Ubantu means humanity to others in African. Want to give people in Africa a great opportunity and also keep our landfills happy? Connection Ubuntu (www.ConnectionUbuntu.org) is a local non-profit located in Dallastown. They’ll take your old laptop/desktop/ smartphone/keyboard/mouse, etc. as long it is working (and uses Windows 7 OS OR Apple 2013 or newer OS) and bless someone in Africa with the opportunity to be digitally connected. They wipe all data, if needed, add a new Operating System (OS), test the equipment, and clean it. Your donation is tax-deductible! They can be reached at ConnectionUbuntu@gmail.com or via our website, www.connectionubuntu.org
We Support:
A ministry based in Guatemala and overseen by Missy and Dylan Brobst from the United States, Unite to Serve is working to break the cycle of poverty in Guatemala. By focusing on strengthening the family unit, they work to break the cycle of poverty. They unite caring people with struggling families to fulfill dreams sustainably for God's Kingdom. Learn more about Unite to Serve:
